ICD 10 Codes for Allergy/Immunology

Allergy ICD10 PDF (Labcorp)

J30.1 Allergic Rhinitis – pollen
J30.2 Allergic Rhinitis – other seasonal
J30.81 Allergic Rhinitis – danders
J30.89 Allergic Rhinitis – other
J30.5 Allergic Rhinitis – foods
J30.9 Allergic Rhinitis – unspecified
ICD-10 * Code the enc with (A, D, S) in the 7th place for all T codes listed below
*T78.2xx_ Anaphylaxis
*T78.00X_ Anaphylaxis – Food unspecified
*T78.01X-          due to peanut
*T78.02X-          due to Crustaceans
*T78.04X-         due to fruit/vegetables
*T78.05X-         due to nuts & seeds
*T78.03X-         due to fish
*T78.06X-         due to food additives
*T78.07X-         due to milk products
*T78.08X-         due to eggs
*T78.09X-         due to other specified foods
T78.3XX- Angioedema
T63.441A,D, or S Toxic effect of bees
T63.451A,D,or S Toxic effect of hornets
T63.461A,D, or S Toxic effect of wasps
T88.6XXA Anaphylactic reaction to IT or other medication properly administered
Asthma  * 5TH digit required   0- uncomplicated, 1-exacerbation, 2 – status
J45.2- Asthma, mild intermittent*
J45.3- Asthma, mild persistant*
J45.4- Asthma, moderate persistant*
J45.5- Asthma, severe Persistant*
J45.990 Exercised induced Bronchospasm
J45.991 Asthma, cough variant
J45.998 Asthma, Other
EARS 5th digit options 0- unspecified, 1, rt, 2, lt, 3 bilateral
H81.1- Vertigo, Benign Positional
H61.2- Cerumen Impaction
H68.00- Eustachian Salpingitis – 6th digit 1rt, 2- lt, 3 bilateral
H60.9- Otitis Externa, acute unspecified, 5th digit 1-rt,2lt, 3, bilateral
H65.3- Otitis Media, Mucoid Chronic 5th digit 1,2, 3, required
H65.0- Otitis Media, Serous Acute, 5th digit 1,2,3 required
H65.11- Otitis Media, Serous Allergic 5th digit 1,2,3 required
H65.2- Otitis Media, Serous Chronic 5th digit 1, 2, 3 required
H65.01– Otitis media, Suppurative w/rupt, 6th digits required
H93.1- Tinnitus, unspecified5th digit required for specific ear
H10.10- Acute Atopic allegic conjunctivitis, 5th digit  0-unspecified, 1-rt, 2-lt,3 bilateral
H10.30- Acute Conjunctivitis, unspecified  5th digit required 1-rt, 2, lt, 3 bilateral, 0 unspecified
H10.45 Chronic allergic conjunctivitis
E84.0 Cystic Fibrosis wih pul/manifestations
K90.0 Celiac Disease
D84.8 Immunodeficiency, NOS
D80.0 Hypogammaglobulinemia, hereditary
D80.1 Hypogammaglobulinemia, nonfamilial
D80.2 IgA Immunodeficiency
D83.8* Common variable immunodeficienys, other
Q82.2 Mastocytosis, General
C96.2 Mastocytosis, malignant/systemic
J30.9 Allergic rhinitis-unspecified
R43.0 Anosmia
R04.0 Epistaxis
R09.81 Nasal Congestion, Hyperplasia
J33.0 Nasal Plyps
J00 Nasopharyngitis – acute
R09.82 Post Nasal Drip
J01.90 Sinusitis  – acute NOS
J32.9 Sinusitis – chronic NOS
Sinusitis    5th digit   0-  Acute  1Recurent
J01.0-      Maxillary
J01.1-      Frontal
J01.2-      Ethmoid
J01.3-      Sphenoid
J01.4-      Pansinusitis
Sinusitis – Chronic
J32.0      Maxillary
J32.1      Frontal
J32.2      Ethmoid
J32.3      Sphenoid
J32.4      Pansinusitis
J35.3 Adenotonsilliar hypertrophy
J20.9 Bronchitis, Acute, unspecified
J98.0 Bronchospasm, Acute
R05 Cough
R06.00 Dyspnea
J04.0 Laryngitis, Acute w/o obtruction
J05.0 Laryngitis Acute w/ obstruction
R06.5  mouth breething
J31.2 Pharyngitis- Acute
Pneumonia – Broncho
J18.9 Pneumonia – unspecified
J12.9 Pneumonia – Viral
G47.33 Seep sleep apnea – obstructive
R06.1 Stridor
R06.82 Shortness of Breath
R55 Syncope/Collapse
B37.0 Thrush
J03.90 Tonsillitis
J06.9 URI
J38.3 Vocal Cord Dysfunction
R06.2 Wheezing
L20.81 Atopic Dermatitis
L23.81 Allergic Contact Dermatitis – Animal
L23.2 Allergic Contact due to cosmetics
L23.3 Allergic Contact – drugs on skin
L23.6 Allergic Contact Due to Foods on skin
L23.5 Allergic Contact Due to Latex/rubber
L23.7 Allergic Contact due to Plants
L23.9 Contact due to other
L23.0 Contact due to Metals
L27.0 Dermatitis due to oral medications
L27.2 Dermatitis due to Food Eaten
L51.9 Erythema Multiforme
L85.8 Keratosis Pilaris
L29.8 Pruritis
L40.9 Psorasis
R21 Rash
L50.0 Urticaria, Allergic
L50.5 Urticaria, Cholinergic
L50.8 Urticaria, Chronic
L50.2 Urticaria, cold heat
L50.6 Urticiaria, contact
L50.3 Urticaria, Dermatographic
L50.1 Urticaria, Idiopathic
L50.8 Urticaria, Other
L50.4 Urticaria, Vibratory
Other Diagnosis
R10.84 Abdominal Pain, Generalized
R68.89 Abnormal clinical findings
D53.9 Anemia
L03.90 Cellulitis
R53.82 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
E11.9 Diabetes Type II w/o complications
R19.7 Diarrhea
R42 Dizziness
R13.10 Dysphagia
R03.0 Elevated Blood Pressure
K21.0 GERD with esophagitis
K21.9 GERD w/o esophagitis
K20.0 Esinophilic esophagitis
K52.81 Eosinophilic gastroenteritis
K52.82 Eosinophilic colitis
L51.9 Erythema multiforme, unspecified
R50.9 Fever
R49.0 Hoarseness
I10 Hypertension
R00.2 Palpitations
M33.20 Polymyositis
R80.9 Proteinuria
R76.11 Positive PPD
M35.00 Sjogren syndrome unspecified
ICD-10CM Personal Status/ History
Z91.010 Allergy to Peanut
Z91.011 Allergy to milk products
Z91.012 Allergy to eggs
Z91.013 Allergy to seafood
Z91.018 Allergy to other foods
Z91.030 Allergy to Bee
Z91.038 Allergy to insects
Z91.040 Allergy to latex
Z91.041 Allergy to radiographic dye
Z91.048 Allergy other than med. agents
Z88.0 Allergy status to penicillin
Z88.1 Allergy status to other antibiotics
Z88.2 Allergy status – sulfonamides
Z88.3 Allergy status – other anti-infect.
Z88.4 Allergy status – anesthetic agent
Z88.5 Allergy status – narcotic
Z88.6 Allergy status analgesic agent
Z88.7 Allergy status – serum or vaccine
Z88.8 Other specified agents
Z51.81 Enc. for therapeutic drug  monitor
Z79.01 Long term (curr) Use Anticoagul.
Z79.02     antithrombotics/antiplatelets
Z79.1 Long term (curr)anti-inflam NSAID
Z79.2 Long term (curr) Use Antibiotics
Z79.82 Long term (curr) Use Aspirin
Z79.51 Long term(curr)useinhaled Steroids
Z79.52 Long term (curr use systemic steroids
Z91.19 Non-compliant pt with tx
Z87.01 Personal Hx Pneumonia, recurr
Z92.22 Personal Hx monoclonal drug tx
Z33.1 Pregnancy, incidental to
Z13.83 Screening for respiratory condition
Z13.820 Screening for osteoporosis
Z23 Vaccination – Influenza
Z23 Vaccination, RSV
Z23 Vaccination other viral
Z23 Vaccination – Pneumonia
Z01.82 Enc for allergy testing w/o complaint
Z01.84 Encoun immunity testing w/o complaint
Z82.5 Family history of Asthma